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Scholarship code CU2.277

Sustainable Tourism, impacts of the introduction of the eco-labels on family desitination choices

  • Reference person
  • Host University/Institute
    Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Internship
  • Research Keywords
    Household collective model of decision
    Sustainable Tourism
    Environmental Economics
  • Reference ERCs
  • Reference SDGs
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Studente
  • Supervisor
  • Co-Supervisor


Climate change is the greatest threat humanity now faces, with profound implications for world peace and stability (United Nations, 2021). Yet climate scientists judge the resolutions of the latest COP26 as still insufficient to meet the targets of the Paris agreement (Masood and Tollefson, 2021).Ecolabels (e.G. Bandiera Blu) identify the quality of touristic destinations amenities and have been shown to be environmentally preferable in their category, enabling consumers to make informed on tarvel destinations environmental performance (Schwartz et al., 2020). However, the effect of ecolabels on families’ travel destination choices has not yet been studied (Potter et al., 2021). Families with children may be more environmentally sensitive. Young people are not only victims of climate change; they can also be powerful agents, as FridaysForFuture demonstrates. But there is only limited evidence concerning the power of children in households’ decision-making.Sustainable Families addresses a set of research questions:• Household members’ preferences: how does introduction of ecolabels affect the choices of individuals from different generations on travel choice destinations? Do similarities/differences between members vary with the family’s socioeconomic status? • What decision-making power is wielded by each member of the family? Who is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to sustainable travel destination choices? When do children start influencing decisions on sustainable travel choices and how does their influence change with socioeconomic status?

Suggested skills:

The ideal candidate should have a strong background in microeconomics and statistics.

Research team and environment

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche offers a vibrant environment for international students. The diversity of research areas covered by the faculty allows students to write their thesis in several fields of economics and finance. Doctoral students are exposed to a vibrant research environment, by participating to the weekly seminars organized by CSEF (https://csef.It/), and interacting with its Research Fellows as well as the international visitors frequently present at CSEF.