Bressler Maddalena


metaphors; psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics; climate change communication
Genova, Italy

Metaphors for a green(er) future

Valentina Bambini
IUSS Pavia
Italian, English, French

About me

I'm a graduate student in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Pavia. I have always been passionate about communicative aspects of language, especially nonliteral uses such as metaphors, both in ancient languages, in a historical linguistics perspective, and in modern languages, with psycho/neurolinguistic approaches.

My research

I investigate the processing and production of green, i.e. environment related, metaphors and idioms, commonly used and novelly created, and discourse.I aim to explore the effect of linguistic (and non-linguistic) variables on speakers’ perceptions and willingness to act.This research aims to have an impact on citizens, who will be involved in interactive tasks, to foster the collective construction of a more environmentally conscious world.