Giachello Simone

Nature Sciences

biotic communities, functional diversity, glacier retreat
Milano, Italy

Biodiversity of communities emerging after the retreat of glaciers analysed through environmental DNA

Francesco Ficetola
Università degli Studi di Milano
Italian, English

About me

I am a naturalist with a master's degree in Nature Sciences and a strong interest in studying ecosystem dynamics. Before the PhD I focused my research on amphibians, one of the most threatened groups of animals, analysing population dynamics to identify the causes of their decline. With my research, I aim to contribute to increasing our knowledge of how climate change is impacting biodiversity in high-altitude ecosystems.

My research

I aim to understand how belowground communities develop along the ecological successions occurring after glacier retreat, with a particular focus on successional patterns and on the drivers influencing the changes in biodiversity. To do that, I am using a dataset composed by a wide range of soil organisms (bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals), collected in 1448 soil samples from 48 glacier forelands all around the world.